PARI's 1st OPR
In case you are guessing who is PARI, thats our little silky terrier. And OPR = Operation. *OUCH* Little PARI had an undescended testicle. After pouring through numerous websites and forums, decided that it would be better for him to be neutered. OkOk, castrated is another word. Haha. Wonder why they use so "colourful" words on our canine friends. Castrate means castrate la, what netuer. Sent him to the vet on the 6th for the procedure which caused Violet alot of anxiety. She seemed more in pain then PARI is. Hehe. Anyway, the sugery was a pretty straight forward procedure and i brought him home that very night. Attached are some pics of him with his pretty "cute" E-collar.
Pari looking dejected and totally shacked out after the op. "NO PICTURES PLS!"

Sorry Pari, cant resist the temptation of snaping you.

Another....he does look cute with that collar on, doesn't he?

Smiles....finally, 4 days after the operation.
Pari looking dejected and totally shacked out after the op. "NO PICTURES PLS!"

Sorry Pari, cant resist the temptation of snaping you.

Another....he does look cute with that collar on, doesn't he?

Smiles....finally, 4 days after the operation.

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